
Finnish Consensus Platform for Alternatives

Acts as the Finnish National Consensus Platform for Alternatives to
Animal Testing. Established in 2003 in Tampere, Finland.

A full member of the umbrella organization European Consensus Platform for Alternatives (ecopa) with
– SET (German Foundation for the Promotion of Alternate and Complementary Methods to Reduce Animal Testing)
– REMA (Spanish Network for the Development of Alternative Methods)
– Norecopa (Norway`s National Consensus Platform for the advancement of the 3R´s)
– Francopa (French Platform for the Development of Alternative Methods in Testing)
– IPAM (Italian Platform on Alternative Methods)
– 3RCC (Swiss 3Rs Competence Center)
– ROCAM (Romanian Center for Alternative Test Methods) as an associate member



The role of Fincopa

– A platform where the representatives of four stakeholders — academia,
industry, animal welfare and regulators — meet to promote the 3R´s, with special interest in the development and implementation of alternative methods to animal testing
– Collect, exchange and share scientific information, expertise and experience on the 3R´s
– Promote education and organize training programs on the ethics and 3R´s
– Arrange annually free and open symposiums covering
different topics in 3R’s and ethics
– Publish recent information on 3R´s using different media platforms
– Increase public knowledge and communication on the 3R´s
– Participate to the activities of ecopa

Current activities of Fincopa

Members participating as editors and authors in a book Eläinkokeet Suomessa, “Animal experiments in Finland”, by Hirsjärvi P, Norring M and Uotila L (Into Kustannus 2019). Members participating to the “Strategies for innovation in life science” event at December 3 rd 2019, Bryssels, Belgium. The event is hosted by Sirpa Pietikäinen MEP, and co-organised by Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Eurogroup for Animals.
Hanna Vuorenpää (Vice-chair) has prepared a training course on ethical considerations on animal experimentation. She also published an article on the activities of Fincopa in ALTEX. Members of Fincopa participated to the ecopa General Assembly and IPAM symposium, November 7-8 th 2019, Rome, Italy with chairing a symposium and a presentation on “New approach methodologies to face the opportunities and challenges posed by exposure to chemical mixtures”.